Past Events


Events in 2019

Upgrade to the Bereavement Suite

New chairs in the waiting room within the Bereavement suite paid for by Dean Wilson a local family Funeral Director.


Upgraded interview room within the Bereavement Suite paid for by The Friends


Radiology Department waiting areas

The Friends replaced  the seating in all the waiting areas in the Radiology Department at a cost of nearly £16,000​   This is with beam seating in units of mostly 3 and 4 seats together. This enhanced greatly both the comfort and the environment for the patients and also provide additional seating where previously there was a shortage.   The Chartwell Trust agreed to jointly fund this project with us for which we are very grateful.

Relatives room in EAU

New relatives room within the Emergency Assessment Unit (EAU) paid for by The Friends


Upgrade to Mortuary Waiting and Viewing Rooms

On June 6th The Friends were proud to hold an official opening of the newly refurbished mortuary waiting and viewing rooms. Some local funeral directors and the Marina Patterson Memorial Trust made donations towards the total cost of improving these much needed areas. A full report about this project can be seen here in an article published on the Kings College Hospital web site, with thanks to Sarah Middleton, Head of Stakeholder Relations, Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

Bladder Scanner

Our major fundraising venture in June was to hold a Money Train Track in the entrance hall to the PRUH. Passing visitors, patients and staff were invited to place their spare change on our Thomas the Tank Engine track. This together with a sale of books, cards and gifts raised a total of £1,852, which meant that our target of £7,000 for a Bladder Scanner was reached.

Our Carol Playing in the Entrance Hall in the week leading up to Christmas raised a magnificent £1006 thanks to the generosity of visitors, staff and patients. We would like to thank in particular the Reception Desk Staff who listened to Carols and Christmas Music from 4 pm to 8 pm for six evenings  without any complaints!

Our cheese and wine evening in December was a great success. It was an interesting evening with well laid out refreshments, a lovely raffle and a very interesting and thought provoking talk by Major General Ewan Carmichael CBE (ret) entitled “Reflections on Clinical Leadership – A Magic Lantern Show”. The evening raised £1,329, including £277 on the raffle with its donated prizes including a lovely hamper.

Our autumn and November book sales raised £1,648 and £981 respectively. We are most grateful for everyone’s support of these events.

We held an Easter Tombola in April which raised £1,942.  Lots of lucky winners took home bottles or chocolate and The Friends were winners too as our Bar Chart crept up to the halfway mark towards the £7,000 needed for the Bladder Scanner.

Our  Book Sale held in March raised an amazing £906.  This total started our fundraising project for a Bladder Scanner.

Our February fundraising event was an evening at the Bromley Little Theatre on February 7th which raised £1,064.35. The play was ‘Terra Nova’ a compelling drama about Scott’s expedition to the South Pole. The audience were very appreciative of the set, the costumes and the acting. We are very grateful to the Little Theatre for giving us the opportunity to raise funds for the hospital.